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Peter "The Rock"

Peter Perales

Omaha, Nebraska



     God has got me through life, he’s got me through when I was a kid being misunderstood, back in the 90s mental health was seen as a “feeling” and also a bad thing. So with that said I have gone through emotional roller coasters, endured bullying for being a chubby kid growing up, even my own family looked down on me for being chubby, and sometimes I wondered why. I was born and raised Catholic, got baptized, received first communion, received and lived the retreats which was all the sacraments I did. In those days I was taught differently, never knew much about the Bible, it was more about praying, I did pray every night before I went to bed which is the Lord’s Prayer(Our father who art in heaven), but in those days it was pray hard enough and you will go to sleep, pray hard enough and your feelings of anxiety is going on will change(which did not), I always been a strong believer in God, I just never knew him like I know him now, fast forward to my high school years on my first year I got my very first DJ equipment and I was hooked and going back when I was 7 years old I listened House music and my family used to give me a hard time about it telling me that’s not even music, but little did they know is that it’s what got me through life along with God. Depression became a factor in my life in high school, with all the misunderstandings and being bullied emotionally, had my first break up from my high school relationship and never did I imagine the devastation I had endured, and people thought that there are worse things to cry about then losing a girlfriend and I’ll tell you when you experience your first break up I can’t stress this enough but it is devastating! Which was when I learned to lean on God through those tough times, back in high school they had Christian clubs, and hung out with some Christian friends outside of the Catholic, which unfortunately it’s a no no to the church but God works in such mysterious ways that unfortunately religion will hinder with what God has worked on me. Gods not done with me because as long as I have air in my lungs God will continue to work on me, years after high school though when I turned 25 I officially got diagnosed with ADD and aspergers, plus I never thought I would get diagnosed again with depression because back then the recourse was so low that even the mental health system didn’t really do anything except be quick to assume that I don’t have depression which made life very hard, depression almost killed me but finally in 2017, depression had finally been recognized or maybe a little earlier has become exposed to be seen as a real mental illness, and the churches I’ve gone to in the passed after leaving the Catholic Churches, it was still frowned on by saying how less of a Christian I was to think I have depression, and I’m currently on medication, when I discovered a church in Texas called Gateway fellowship, they have a program called freedom and recovery, and what it is, it’s a program that helps you overcome strongholds and understands the mental health aspect instead of chastising those with mental health and addictions, that’s how I truly knew God, that no matter what you are facing emotionally, and mentally God loves you no matter what, he made man perfect in his image, my life may have not been crazy, but believe it or not I have been through a lot, I guess you can say my parents did there best raising me, they did something right if I’m still the person I am today, but very little pain in there eyes and other people who have told me how there life is even more jacked up than mine was there way of telling me to put my feelings aside and stop feeling self pity on myself it’s not bad, and what little pain I had multiplied years after years has grown into big problem because I never got a chance to express how I felt, I kept everything bottled up inside which almost killed me, but now that I’m married and getting all the counseling in Nebraska which there mental health system is great! God has blessed me with them, and with that said I sometimes wondered why did all these bad things happen to me, why life was so unfair, I didn’t understand why, it was a long process even after depression was discovered until I finally said you know what now that depression is exposed, I’m fighting back to take back what the enemy has stole from! My Joy! No one can tell me “I allowed it to happen” which I been told that many times by some of the churches that burned me, Luke 9:23-27 talks about not to run from suffering and this is in message version “Then he told them what they could expect for themselves: “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat—I am. Don’t run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I’ll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self. What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you? If any of you is embarrassed with me and the way I’m leading you, know that the Son of Man will be far more embarrassed with you when he arrives in all his splendor in company with the Father and the holy angels. This isn’t, you realize, pie in the sky by and by. Some who have taken their stand right here are going to see it happen, see with their own eyes the kingdom of God.”” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭9:23-27‬ ‭MSG‬‬. In the end I became stronger in my faith, I believer that things do happen for a reason and I guess I can say that the reason is so that God has given me strength! So going back when I started Djing I began dreaming that one day I’ll be djing in front of an audience, plus use these gifts and talents for God to serve and minister to people in his glory, that’s why one day I’m gonna start with a ministry called “House Your Walk” there is a lot of meaning to it other then house music, for me sometimes I tend backslide a little bit and focus on other things and get caught up in my Djing first, and God has given me spankens for it, and that’s when I ask myself how’s my walk with God, eh.......yeah I gotta get back up and try again, “House Your Walk” can also encourage people including non believers to be a part of cool Christian community, house music would make a great community and I’m waiting for the day the door to be open so that the community will eventually party up like they do in heaven where DJ Frankie Knuckles who started House music is partying it up in heaven! So that’s “House Your Walk”! So to conclude my testimony I wanna say no matter what you may be facing or how big or small your suffering is, give it to God, don’t worry about people think, people may judge but whatever you are going through is between you and God, God loves you no matter what, depression or not, there is no condemnation through Christ! Stay encouraged, if life is hitting you so hard and your going through spiritual warfare in your like read Ephesians 6:10-18 put on the full armor of a God, so that when the day that evil comes you will stand your ground!!! God bless!

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